
Sunday, April 22, 2012

National Ag Day

Last week I was able to spend two days reading and conducting activities with elementary students in two Wyoming towns. This was through the Wyoming Farm Bureau Ag Books for Kids program, and National Ag Day (last Wednesday) seemed like a perfect time to meet with them.
This year's Wyoming Ag Book for Kids is, "Seed, Soil, Sun," and the books explains how seeds grow, and what the end crops are used for. The activity we did was "planting" seeds in clear plastic cups in such a way that the kids will be able to see the first stages of germination and growth. In some classrooms I also handed out seeds, then everyone guessed what type of seed they were. Then we would discuss what part of the plant that resulted from that seed we as humans would consume, and if livestock also consumed any part of the plant.
I have to say, the kids I met with were science gurus, and very fun to work with! They were also pretty knowledgeable about where their food came from, which made me a happy presenter.
It was so fun explaining ranching, answering questions about the difference between beef and dairy cows and various seed related topics, and hearing all the kid's stories, comments and ideas as I went through my two days of presenting.
If you know of a classroom in Wyoming, or anywhere for that matter, that would enjoy such a presentation, please let me know! This was one of the best things I've been able to do since joining the Wyoming YF&R Committee, and I would love to meet with more schools, or help you get in contact with your local YF&R Committee member.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for your service in education the youth about ag.
