Sunday, January 22, 2012

Factoring Farming

I had never heard of factoring farming until I saw it toted by an extreme anti-agriculture group a few years ago. I wasn't buying it as being anything a person would believe, and I was reminded of this initial response again today.

Here are our yearling and two-year-old's on the feedground today. Certainly not in a closed in, dirty, confined space.

And that's them again, over on the left. The little black circle. You can see why I had neither heard of this concept of all animals being housed in cramped, dirty, overpopulated environments, or bought into it. This is how livestock are "housed" where I live, and what you see is just the pasture they are living in for the winter. This isn't their year-round home, but rather one part of the total acres they live, roam and eat on over the course of a year.

1 comment:

  1. My daughter was subjected to a movie on "factory farming" at a summer agriculture school she attended. I was appalled! There is so much misinformation out there, thanks for sharing the truth and the beautiful pictures.
    Also, I received an award I would like to share with you, come pick it up at my blog.
