Longest Drive: Casper to Shoshoni, hands down. Feels like 5 hours to me every time I make that trip. Runner up for me is Wheatland to Cheyenne, that part seems to take forever. I often wonder if it has something to do with the signs every 10 miles showing your progress. And by the time I reach Chugwater I feel like I should be there.
Worst construction: Lusk? Cheyenne during Frontier Days every year? Highway 85? It's bad in a lot of places.
Prettiest Drive: Spearfish Canyon. Not exactly in Wyoming, but close enough. Anywhere in the northeast corner. Or from Buffalo over the mountain.
Worst winter road conditions: I-80 from Laramie to Cheyenne
Worst wind: Wheatland, especially from Wheatland to Sybille canyon
Scariest drivers: Riverton or Gillette
Best drivers: Cheyenne, you may disagree
Best road: Lingle to Lusk, you can really cruise
Best cut across: They're not even on the map I have, but there's a great one from Gillette down to Midwest and another that takes you from Lance Creek to Gillette/Moorcroft.
Worst, "Oh please don't let me slide off the road right here!!" spot: Dropping into Lander or going down the canyon into Thermopolis.
Hardest town to get around in: Casper!!
Easiest town to get around in: Cheyenne
Best Wildlife: The little back roads out of Buffalo and Sheridan
Worst parking: Laramie! It also gets narrowest main street
Most convenient through town route with a horse trailer: Douglas
Town you DON'T want to speed through: Guernsey, Lingle
Best place to speed: Hartville to Manville (they're not on the map either)
Best pull-up roadside coffee hut :) Either the little red hut one in Laramie or the one at Mule Creek Junction. I don't like the one in Upton, but my dad does. I think this is because I base my opinion on coffee flavor, while he bases his on how good looking the workers are...
Feel free to add your opinions, I'm sure I missed some
Ha! Everyone should post a highway review of where they live. It would make it easier to navigate the roads! :)